Change your profile picture and your contact details
Sign In: Begin by logging into your Bunny Studio account and click on your user icon, located in the top right corner as shown below:
Access "Contact information".
Edit your details: In the new window, you'll find two tabs: Contact Information, and Change Password.
• Contact information: You have the flexibility to modify various parameters such as profile picture, name, email, country, phone number, and more.
Don't forget: the email you inform here is the one you'll receive all invitations to, as well as communication from our agents!
• Change Password: Here, you'll have the option to change your password without any hassle! - Save your changes: Once you've made the desired changes, don't forget to click "Update" to save your modifications.
If you are having any problems or errors while updating your information, please let us know by contacting us at, and we'll look into it!