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How to amend accent and age profile?

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  • Angela Serrano #830202147
      Official comment

    Hi Donna!

    For that, we would need to cancel your current application and account so you can start fresh and fill in the profile again. 

    I did that already for you today via email! Allow us up to 24 hours for the changes to show in the system and should be good to go. Please make sure to choose only the accent and age that you can do to avoid this from happening again.

    Thank you for your interest in working with us!

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  • Permanently deleted user #1182054110


    I have a similar situation.  I need to amend my voice age to Middle-age and Senior.  Please advise the best way to do this.  Everything else on the profile is correct.     Also, the response to my Application said my British accent didn't sound authentic but it is 100% authentic and my natural voice.

    Would be grateful for your help.

    Very many thanks.


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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Hi Sandra

    Thanks for letting us know about this!

    So, in regards to the age range, we would need to proceed as we did in Donna's case and close your current account for you to start a new one. You'll be able to refill your application in the next 24 hours once the changes are updated in the system. Don't worry, I have your information as you sent us an email yesterday with the details of your account!

    In regards to the accent, can you please share the recording you uploaded here? I'll ask some of our quality control team members to review the recording to see what could have happened there. I'm sorry for this inconvenience!


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  • Leigh Angelis #5545050458

    My question is similar, I see other actors in three different age categories, but I am only allowed to have two. Would I also need to cancel?

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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    No, Leigh.

    Only our older Pros are in 3 categories because, at the time VoiceBunny started, this was allowed. However, we narrowed the categories down to 2 to avoid fake or unnatural voices. We're working on a way of changing the profiles of our older Pros. It's taken some time, though, as we have many Pros under these conditions and it can get quite complicated to change all their profiles at once.

    Hope this explained it!

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  • Mei Konishi #1227497910

    Hello there, 

    Today my application got reject due to my "accent". I'm quite taken aback by that, because I have never once been told that my accent sounds forced by Americans. I may have grown up overseas, but my father is American, so I don't think my accent is lost. Although, upon having my friend listen to the sample, rather than the accent sounding forced, I've been told that maybe it was my acting that sounds forced instead? 

    Here's my sample: 

    On a separate note, if by whatever standards, people on Voice Bunny still thinks I don't make the cut for that language and accent, may I please apply for another language? I'm actually natively trilingual (Three parents, each with different language), and would like to apply for Japanese too. I read that you can't have more than one language, and you most certainly cannot apply for one where you don't sound native, pardon me, but I've actually come across a pro bunny who has two languages uploaded, one of which is absolutely/obviously non-native accent. Would that also be because he's an old pro bunny?

    If it's not possible for me to create an account with two languages now, then does that mean I should create a second account for my second language? 

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  • Leigh Angelis #5545050458

    We can't hear that sample. It says not found.

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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Hi Mei!

    I backup Leigh! Can you please share the file again? It's not working for me either.

    About the accent, we would need to listen to how it sounds. We only want to work with 100% native voices and that's why we only allow 1 language to be chosen. No one, not even at the beginning, was able to choose more than 1 language so if you found a profile with these circumstances, can you please share it with me? I'd like to check that! Especially if the samples uploaded are undesirable in terms of accent. 

    We understand that you may have been raised with several languages, but there's always one that is your main. Please, apply only under the language you use the most in your daily life and have used the most since you were small. This is, more likely, your native language and will be the one that may get approved!

    Thank you.

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  • Mei Konishi #1227497910

    I'm sorry, here's the link

    And here's the person who has two languages

    I'm still not sure which would be considered "acceptable accent" in voice bunny in my case though. If I fail the English one again (which I considered was my strongest one already), can I try and apply again in another language afterwards? 

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  • Leigh Angelis #5545050458

    As someone from the midwest (an area known for having a neutral US accent), I can tell you that your demo definitely has a foreign accent. It is light, but still very noticeable. Even native English American voiceover artists have a hard time getting agency representation if they have an accent. For example, a girl from the south posted her demo last month asking why no agents would represent her. I told her she has a very noticeable southern accent, making her sound very regional. She had no idea!

    I grew up in Wisconsin then moved to Ohio (the hub of the neutral accent). I lost most of my WI accent, but I still have to work on neutralizing it at times.

    The person you mention with two languages also has three ages listed, which is also no longer allowed. He must be an "older" bunny.

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  • Mei Konishi #1227497910

    Ah, I see, thanks for the insight! 

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  • Bambi Lynn Augustin #1208025070

    Hi Angela,

    Similar questions as to the first post above.....Can you please "deactivate" and let me start fresh?  I put in my profile that I can do Middle Age, AND Senior, but my first audition did not specify a senior voice, I so I didn't DO a senior voice, but was then rejected for not sounding "senior". 

    I am 62 and do a lot of senior work, but I think for the sake of VoiceBunny, my more natural voice is middle age, so I want to have that as my only option.  I just received a chance for a 2nd audition, but this time it actually is requesting a senior voice.  I don't even want to go there, and risk being rejected for not sounding senior enough.

    Let me know what I need to do to move forward with a fresh account.  Thank you!! 

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