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5 Tips to Set Your Bunny Pro Rates

  • Duncan Lawrence #1125751844


    For me Tip 1 is still an ongoing process. I do tend to alter my rates slightly per day just to ensure VB knows that I am working and to check what comes through. As a newbie I am looking for new jobs to get my teeth into so I want to build up my jobs and clients. I am not getting the direct bookings yet but I have been told to increase my samples. I will keep adjusting but will start low for now until the clients recognise my talents and book me direct! 

    I am not the racing hare but the steady Bunny at the moment!

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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Awesome, Duncan!

    That's a great strategy and it's really important to build your profile as you're doing. The Bunny requires a lot of patience but once it sets, it sets!

    Thanks for your hard work :)

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  • Jonathan V #360186803490

    We can check the rates of our competition, but how do we know what our final rate actually is (with VB margins added?)

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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Hi JV! That's a good question.

    I suggest you quote yourself, with our margins, and compare your final price to that of our other Pros. This way, you should be able to see how other users have their final prices and set yours compared to that. You can get as many quotes as you want and review your final prices in your profile! 

    Hope this helped!

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  • Jonathan V #360186803490

    "review your final prices in your profile"

    How do you do that? I don't see my final prices there. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?

    Thanks! J

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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Hi JV

    Sorry if it wasn't clear! When you go to your profile, you're going to be able to get a quote for you by clicking on the button "Get a similar voice over from this voice actor". You'll be then sent to our project form (which I recommend you to check so you can see what our clients have to fill in to book you!) and, on the right, you'll see your quotes for 40, 75 and 150 words. You can take note of these numbers and then go to our Search where you'll be able to see the prices for others. 

    Hope this made sense!

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  • J. Salas #372659154240

    This info was very helpful thanks so much!

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  • Johnatan Sanchez #362611690500

    Thank you for letting us know :D 

    We're glad you find it helpful! 

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  • James Walker Reid #785538697

    I set my rate for 500 words to 60USD.

    The "book for your project" quote shows 265USD.

    Is the difference the Voicebunny margin?

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  • Johnatan Sanchez #362611690500

    Hi James, thank you for reaching out.

    That's correct, that's the Bunny markup. However, our team is currently experimenting with some changes, so they may vary in the next couple of weeks.

    Rest assured, you'll always receive the amount you have set on your rates. We're experimenting with the markup on top of it. 

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