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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Hi Doro!

    The samples uploaded to our system have a limit of 30 seconds. I suggest you choose the areas where you feel your performance was the best and upload them as 30-second snippets. 

    I also suggest you try to make your samples as varied as possible! This way, you can make sure you are showcasing all your versatility. 


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  • Doro jillings #1217556964

    Will do .

    Many thanks Angela!


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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Anytime, Doro! Happy to help!

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  • Doro jillings #1217556964




    Doro jilli

    Doro jillings

    Aug 26, 11:08 AM -05

    I have been emailed to say a contest project Pioneer-Female is still available but when I try to upload my audition it says it;s closed. What do I do now?

    Pioneer Female.wav


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  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Hi Doro

    If the project is already closed it means that there are already enough auditions and, therefore, we won't be able to take yours. When we send you an invitation, you need to hit the Accept button right away to make sure we can save an auditioning spot for you. This spot will be there for you for around 25 minutes so you can record the audition and submit it to the system. The time given will start to run only after you have clicked the Accept button and have confirmed that you want to participate. Also, the 25 minutes mentioned are only for auditions. For the full read or for Bookings the timing will depend on how long the full script is. 

    If you don't deliver within this time frame, the system will expire the slot and allow other Pros the chance of participating in the project. 

    With us, speed and quality are key! so make sure you try to get to the projects as fast as you can. Keep in mind that if you can't take care of a project invitation sent your way, don't worry! Your stats won't get affected unless you let it expire. 

    Hope this explained it!

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