DubbingBunny? Info, please!
So, I've seen that there's a new "DubbingBunny" service.
I'm wondering if there's any specific way to opt-in into it, if VB does a pre-selection, or if the whole Bunny Pro database is used as possible talent for those projects.
Searched for a bit and didn't find anything, so I thought it'd be easier to just drop by and ask it on here.
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I'd be interested in some info on this as well.
Thanks for asking this. It's actually a great question!
For DubbingBunny, we consider our whole pool of voice actors. We work together with our clients to choose the best Pro for their project and we reach out to the chosen one (or ones) to get a sample and to review the project's details.
You don't have to do anything to make part of it. Just by being an active member of VoiceBunny is more than enough.
Hope this clarified it!