Naming Sample files - does this affect who finds these samples?
Hey Folks,
I would love some guidance into how I should name and label my samples that I upload. Now 'm not talking about the actual filename but the name or label I decide to give my Voiceover recording. So for instance if I have done a recording in the style of SIr David Attenborough - Narrator of BBC programmes such as The Blue Planet should I label it " Narration in style of David Attenborough Male Voice BBC Documentary" ??
Are there certain key words that clients can choose from to narrow down their selection or doesn't it really matter! ?
Apologies if this has already been asked by another bunny somewhere else.,
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Hey Duncan!
Thanks for asking! This question is actually pretty good.
At this moment, the samples are assigned a number which is the one that will be shown to our clients. The name should be something that is clear for you and that allows you to know which sample is which. The names will only be available to you for reference!
Hope this helps!