Sample upload problem?
Hi everyone --
I've been trying to upload some new samples, but the drop-down boxes for "Language" and "Age and gender" both are empty. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
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Yes! I've had this problem, too. I just sent an email to VB support to see if they can help.
I'm sorry to hear it's happening to you too, but I'm glad it's not just me. Earlier today I was told the following:
"Thank you for your report. I'm going to share this with our engineering team for review. Please allow us 3 - 4 weeks to review the problem. It may take less time, so please know that as soon as this fixed I'll make sure to let you know.
Sorry for the inconveniences presented here!"
Thank you so much for the update. I hope they get the problem fixed sooner rather than later.
No problem. I just recorded a bunch of new samples, so I'm just as anxious to see the problem resolved as you are.
I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get here sooner. As soon as we noticed this issue, we started working on that right away which caused some delays on our response. As soon as this is fixed, I'll get back to you here right away :)
Thank you!
Any update on a time frame as to when it will be resolved? I'm a new user and have so far not been able to correctly label any of my samples. Thanks.
I just checked -- it's working again!
Hi Brian!
You read my mind! It was fixed around 1 hour ago but we were running a couple of tests before I came to you with the great news. When we created the new accents, there was some conflict in the system and a component was failing. However, thanks to you and your report, everything is working fine now!
A million thanks to you and all the other Pros that were so awesome and let us know so promptly about this matter. Now, you can upload all the samples you want! I recommend you keep your profile at around 50 samples which is the healthiest number of samples we recommend.