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I was rejected again for Room Echo

  • Julian Cubillos #1520201666622

    Hi Marjorie, this is Julian Cubillos from Bunny Voice QC Team.

    First of all, I'm glad you approach us through the community in order to solve your doubts and requests, we are here to help you to improve your quality and resolve any issue your recordings are presenting.

    I've been listening to your submitted recording several times and I did find a bit of room echo. Nevertheless, I think it can be fixable with a little extra help from a De-verb plugin or processor, this should do the trick for achieving the top-notch quality you're aiming for. Next, I'll post here some tutorials that could show you how to remove room echo with Adobe-Audition native de-verb plugin:




    On the other hand, I will present your case to the weekly QC meeting to discuss this situation with my other peers since more opinions about your quality will bring a more objective consensus.

    Last but not least, I hope this advice could help you to get closer to the quality we look for as QC from Bunny Studio. If there's another question, doubt, or comment, just leave it here and we'll reply as soon as we can. Thank you again for reaching us through our community.

    Best regards, 

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  • Eden R. #12384462745235

    Hi Julian

    Thank you for the tips..I am using Logic pro you know of a plugin like De-reverb from Adobe but for Logic pro X?

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