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  • Gabriela Schneider #1534751531821

    Hi there, Tia!

    Thank you for reaching out to us in our Community!

    We've assigned this post to a QC agent, who will be reaching out to you to discuss your latest submissions and help you assess your recordings! Sometimes we double check with other agents, which may take a bit of extra time. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about your post!

    Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
    We are here to help anytime you need!

    Best regards,

    Gabriela Schneider

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  • Hiroshi #371709074639

    Hello Tia,

    I listened to your recording and noticed in the first read of your sample that 
    there are noticeable noise reduction artifacts, especially at the beginning. 
    However, these artifacts are less prominent in the succeeding takes so please 
    be sure to add just the right amount of noise reduction for each recording/take to avoid them. 
    I also noticed that these artifacts get more pronounced when speaking softer or when your levels are low.

    I hope this helps!

    All the best,


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  • Tia Beverly #1523504463162


       I'm not sure what noise reduction you think you may be hearing because I don't use any type of noise reduction with my recordings other than my booth and taking out breaths. If you listen to some of the recordings from speediest I've done since being "flagged" by your system, you will see that they should be up to par with Bunny-s standards so that tge negative impact can removed from my account.

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  • Hiroshi #371709074639

    Hello Tia,

    Thank you for clarifying. I would just like to clarify that since the first take did sound a bit muffled like it was going through a noise gate, QC will have to send it back for a revision. Since Takes 2-4 sounded fine, you should be good to go!

    Please just make sure to double-check each of your future recordings for that noise reduction characteristic and revise accordingly to avoid any revisions or rejections from QC in the future.




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