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Why have I got a name - Grower of Carrots

  • Marina Russo #1918701423585

    Hi Jinny!

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to clarify this topic that may cause confusion amongst other Pros 🙌

    When Pros fill out their contact information, there's a field that states "What would you like us to call you?" in case anyone would like to display a different name on their profile to preserve their identity. The system offers prompts like [your name] Grower of Carrots, or [your name] Queen of Dragons, as fun and quirky examples of what you could fill it out with.

    It's likely that when you signed up, you missed that field and it automatically added "Grower of Carrots" for you. However, you can update that at any time by accessing the dropdown menu on your name and going to "Contact information", and updating the field "What would you like us to call you?".

    If you have any doubts regarding this topic or if there's anything else we can do for you, feel free to contact us through at any time and we'll get back to you promptly!

    Best regards,

    Marina Russo.

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