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Tip #4: Choose a good interface for your needs.

  • Duncan Lawrence #1125751844

    The Focusrite is a great piece of kit - always worth checking to see if you are purchasing the 1st gen or 2nd gen model.

    If you have purchased a Scarlett interface after 1st June 2016, then you may be confused as to whether it is a 1st Gen or 2nd Gen Scarlett.

    If you turn over your Scarlett unit, you should see a sticker containing a barcode on the base of the unit, below this will be a serial number, the prefix of your serial number will denote which generation Scarlett you own: 

    Sxxxxxxxxxxx or Txxxxxxxxxxx = 1st Gen

    Vxxxxxxxxxxxx or Wxxxxxxxxxxxx = 2nd Gen

    Which generation you have will determine what software and drivers appear in your user account, as well as which Downloads page you select on the Focusrite website .  There have been some issues with Win 10 and drivers on the 1st gen - sometimes the audio cuts out then comes back in (switches off the sound on playback) .Duncan 

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  • Danielle Morin #963184964

    Hello, I have a Steinberg UR 22mkii, would you recomand it? is it good enough ? thanks

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  • Permanently deleted user #368079831120

    Hello Danielle! How are you?


    Thanks a lot for reaching out. If your UR22mkII is  working properly it should be good enough for your voice overs :).


    Thanks for being part of our community.





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