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Thank you to the QA member!

  • Tara Tyler #226723843
      Official comment

    I will make sure my team gets your message! It's a tough job deciding who's good enough to "make the cut" and we always feel bad when we have to reject or ask for a revision as we understand we are the "middle man." We also have a responsibility to our clients as they expect us to know what they want and operate on their behalf. It's a delicate balance and we don't always get it right, but I am very glad to get feedback like this. It really, really makes my day. A sincere thank you. :)

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  • Katie Welburn (Gaskin) #892165878

    Also, i'd love to add that the samw day I posted this, I auditioned for another project, and I believe the same QA member I thanked responded with another very positive, constructive revision request. I, once again, took the suggestions to heart and resubmitted my auditiin, which was not only selected as the winning audition, but the client used the audition as-is without needing to tweak anything! Happy QA team, happy Voice Actor, happy Client! Yay!

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