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Vacation Settings

  • Gabriela Schneider #1534751531821

    Hi there, Bill,

    Thank you for your feedback!

    We've looked into your account and indeed the initial date is pulling to April on the Vacation settings. We've communicated this to our engineers and they'll be taking a look into it.

    We believe that an update may have refreshed some Pro's vacation settings in the meantime, but please, if this has caused any expirations for you, let us know by sending an email to with the project name or ID, and we'll remove it from your stats.

    For now, if you wish to set yourself on vacation again, please make sure you navigate to the current month on the calendar and click first on the date, and then on the time.

    If you're still having difficulties, please let us know by emailing us on the address above, and we'll do our best to assist!


    Gabriela Schneider

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