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Tips for my room. What do you think about heavy curtains?

  • Angela Serrano #830202147

    Hi Michael!

    Thanks for sharing such detailed information! To give you better insights, let me ask you some quick questions:

    1. Which equipment are you using? Mic, interface, preamp, etc.

    2. Can you share a recording that is raw, without any processing and/or music? Just your clean, raw voice. 

    I'll make sure to give you more personalized feedback then :)

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  • Trey Caron #688828966

    Hey Michael it's kind of hard to tell the real dimensions of the room with a panoramic shot. Looking at the windows of the office I'm guessing you are in a finished basement space or are you in a single story home? Depending on the answers to Angela's questions and a better idea of what is surrounding your space it's hard to give helpful feedback. 

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