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Timeframe for auditioning and...

  • Johnatan Sanchez #362611690500

    Hi Adam,

    Thank you for reaching out and letting us know your willingness to improve and work with us.

    Let's hit those questions:

    1. Reconsideration takes between 7 to 30 days after you click on "Request reconsideration". In your case, we'd recommend waiting until you move and set up your new studio so you have the right and perfect environment to showcase your work.

    2. OF COURSE!!!! We highly encourage you to do so, you can upload it to Google Drive or SoundCloud and share the link with us. We'll make sure to give you feedback and help you as much as we can so you can have great deliverables, and in this case, getting approved by our QC team.

    All the best

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  • Adam Hardin #371181002240

    Hello Johnatan,


    That's great! So once I am set up in my new space, I will submit to the community for feedback before making another attempt. That works for me!

    Thank you very much for your speedy reply and feedback. 



    Adam H. 


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  • Johnatan Sanchez #362611690500

    Amazing, Adam
    We'll be waiting for your new audio :D

    All the best

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