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Do "Bunny managers" all have the same standards?

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  • Johnatan Sanchez #362611690500

    Hi Timothy,

    Thank you for reaching out and using this space.

    All of our agents follow the same standards when evaluating deliverables, you'll find the ones for voice here:

    Now, if you want, we can evaluate said sample for you and figure out what might be causing the impression of over-processing, would you like to do that?

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  • Mac Daniels #367608585439

    Based on the article you have sent me the issue IS subjectivity. They are listening to the sampling and responding to what THEY hear. Some may "think" they hear processing.. while others do not. Everyone hears differently and I understand that... It is just frustrating when I know I am providing a quality product that is being judged by a 3rd party before being presented to the client. 
    I am (however) pleased to know that there is a detailed quality "standard" but... it is not without subjectivity. I think knowing that upfront may quell some frustrations that I am sure is prevalent.
    Thank you for the response.

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  • Johnatan Sanchez #362611690500

    You are very welcome, Timothy.

    We want you to know that our Quality Control agents have to go through an application process where we evaluate their experience and expertise on these items. We can assure you, all of them are experts on their field and they provide our Pros with the most honest and objective feedback they can. That's why we have clear standards, so they can know exactly what to look for and how to proceed with it.


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  • Mac Daniels #367608585439

    Thanks again... I submitted 3 projects the other day... 2 were accepted almost immediately with no issues (NONE)... the 3rd (submitted between the other 2) was rejected for room echo, mouth noise, wrong age?? and over-processing... NONE of these was a factor in the other 2 submissions recorded at approximately the same time under the same circumstances. SO... the objectivity is most definitely prevailing among your pro's and highly inconsistent. 

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  • Johnatan Sanchez #362611690500

    Hi Timothy,

    Thank you very much for letting us know about this situation. 

    Would you like for us to take a closer look at those 3 deliverables to find out what happened there?

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