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Voice Sample for Quality Control Check

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  • Julian Cubillos #1520201666622

    Hi Sofia, hope you're doing wonderful.

    I've already heard your sample, and these are the following recommendations in order to get the top-notch quality you're looking for.

    1) There is sibilance affecting the quality of the deliverable. Loud esses sound harsh and unnatural and will distract the listener from your performance. You can address this issue with an audio process called de-esser. I left a youtube tutorial link where you can find the solution.

    2) There are a few plosives, even if you have a pop filter, I recommend getting further from the microphone capsule in order to address that issue.

    3) Last but not least, there are distracting breathing sounds in your recording. Please keep in mind that breaths should blend gently and naturally with the reading. You can achieve this by controlling your breathing carefully, softening your breaths during editing, or removing the breaths altogether.

    That's all for now! hope my recommendations have been helpful and you can achieve with this the top-notch quality we like from our pros.

    Best regards.

    Julian Cubillos

    QC Team.

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  • Sofia Dinan #1517571013441

    This is great feedback that definitely gives me a lot to work with, and thank you for leaving some YouTube tutorials. I will address these issues and hopefully make another test recording next week, so I'll be back. (: Thank you for taking the time to comment, Julian! 

    Have a great day,

    Sofia D.


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  • Julian Cubillos #1520201666622

    You're more than welcome, we're happy to help. As soon as you send your recording, we'll be there to send you positive feedback :)

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