Tax Question/1099 Form
Hello BunnyStudio Team,
I'm a former BunnyStudio Voice Pro (I had an active VO account for most of 2021), and I had a question about how to report my BunnyStudio income on my taxes. I read another help article that said, since I get my payments through PayPal, I will not be getting a 1099 form from BunnyStudio, since I should be getting it from PayPal. However, I did not qualify to receive a 1099 form from PayPal because my total income I received through them was below a certain amount. So I was wondering if BunnyStudio could possibly send me any kind of official tax form that could serve as proof of my income. Or, if not, let me know how you think I should proceed with filing my taxes. Thanks!
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Hi Joan,
Thank you for reaching out to us!
I believe we are already in communication about this situation through email, so I'll continue to give you updates through there.
I apologize in advance for any late responses you may get, we're working on getting our response time back on track.