QC check
Hi There,
Marina Russo reached out to me that QC sees some room for improvement in my recent submissions...as there's been feedback that my sound has been "boxy". I believe that I have resolved this issue...I was using a Kaotica Eyeball in addition to the Auralex soundproofing in my space...and when I removed the Eyeball...the sound is much clearer. I'm hoping you agree...but here is a new sample for you to review. I look forward to your feedback!
Lauren Gobes https://soundcloud.com/user-593555875/laurengobesnewsample/s-M6chSOqglsd?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
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Hi Lauren,
Thank you for reaching out to the community. I just gave the recording a listen and compared it to your previous samples. I'm happy to say that it is sounding a lot better! Removing the Kaotica Eyeball helped eliminate the boxiness. I'm sure you won't be having trouble with QC with the quality that you have now. Keep it up!