Sync recording
Hello, My problem is that Idon’t know How I can sync precisely a recording.
I don’t have a clue.
could somebody explain it to me?
thank you
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Hello, My problem is that Idon’t know How I can sync precisely a recording.
I don’t have a clue.
could somebody explain it to me?
thank you
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Hi Raquel,
Joe here - not Bunny Studio staff, but another voice actor who likes to keep up with the community.
When you create a synchronized recording, you're matching the timing to a video (or another audio file) that's already produced and provided by the client of Bunny Studio. So how do you do that? Normally you would load the video (or audio) into your audio workstation as a separate track. If the video has a demo voice whose timing you need to match, then the job is pretty easy. In recording, you match your speed and style to the demo read; then in editing, you make sure your phrases and sentences start exactly when the demo voice track does by sliding your audio clips forward or back. Your voice performance does not have to match precisely, but the timing... where sentences begin and end... should be very close to the original demo read (or video) from the client
Does this make any sense? To help more, tell us what software you use for editing? Personally I use Pro Tools because it's familiar to me from past work, but there are others that can import video. Even if you can't import a video, you can at least import the audio portion, assign it to separate track in your system, and visually match the timing of your voice's audio wave to the that of the demo provided by the client.
Hopefully a Bunny Studio representative will weigh in with a better, clearer answer to your question. Synching audio really isn't difficult. It just sounds like it is.
Best wishes,
Joe Cullen Brown
Hello Joe, I am soooo glad for your reply. You have been very thoughtful taking time to reply and explain me this issue. I was kind of desperate, and I also thought …
“ it can’t be so difficult” ! But now with you explanation it sounds very very easy
I will practice following your instructions .You have been really really helpul to me. Thanks for answering.Thanks indeed. Regards!
Great, Raquel! Best wishes,
Joe B.
Hi Raquel, Joe couldn’t have explained it better. As he mentioned is very important to import the original video or at least the audio to have the reference for sync. An additional advice, is that you need to import the video and set it at the beginning of the session (at 00:00:00 or some audio editors starts at 01:00:00) because that ensures that when you export your audio, everything will remain in sync.
If you need more help, you can share with us the name of the software you are using and we’ll help you find the better way to sync on it.
Looking forward to hearing from you