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Customer is king!

  • Marina Russo #1918701423585

    Hi Gary,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the Community!

    Our Quality Control team always does their best to ensure pronunciation and enunciation and pristine, but clients who aren't native English speakers may request a revision and, as you well put it, customer is king!

    We share your approach and believe it to be the best for everyone! It's better to brush it off, laugh about it, and hope the targeted audience isn't English language teachers 😅

    However, if you feel like the client's revision request is too absurd, you can always reach out to our CX team through, and they will help sort it out!

    Kind regards,

    Marina Russo.

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  • Permanently deleted user #962663663

    Does it effect stats?

    I mean, pronouncing a word correctly and then having a revision to pronounce it incorrectly?

    I've had a few, and some right bizzare ones where the client is asking for a English accent for a US advert, then realising they don't want a UK accent, and asking for a revision with a US accent.

    When I do a US accent... quality control rejects :-D

    My work with VB has almost entirely dried up :-( 

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  • Marina Russo #1918701423585

    Hi Gary!

    Yes, revisions are counted towards your stats.

    However, we can remove any rejections you get that were out of your scope. Like, for example, in the case you mentioned where the client wrongfully posted the project as English - North America.

    In cases such as this, please send us the project's link or ID to and we'll ignore the rejection from your stats.

    Regarding the decrease in invitations, please send us an email to the same support address with your Bunny account's email so we can take a look at your profile and investigate if there are any blockers.

    We'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

    Kind regards,

    Marina Russo.

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