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Rejected samples

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  • Samantha #376438863679

    Hi Inga, 


    Thank you for reaching out to us here. 

    If you could attach or send a link with the samples mentioned here, I'd happily take a listen and discuss your case with the rest of the QC team too. 


    Kind regards, 


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  • Inga Feitsma #7241263902483

    Hello Samatha,

    I apologise for the delayed reply. I responded via my email to you, but I've just recently discovered that the only way to reply to your message is via the Community Forum. 

    As you requested, here is a link to some samples for you to listen to: 

    I don't understand because all of these recordings ended up as commercially produced jobs on radio, corporate videos etc. Could it be because these files were originally mp3 files and I re-saved them as WAV files because that is your website requirement?

    The feedback I received for all the samples was: 
    Your recording sounds undesirably over-processed, which is impacting the quality of the deliverable. It may be due to EQing, or a noise gate, for example. It seems as if you are recording too close to the mic which has resulted in an undesired boost in low frequencies. This is called the 'proximity effect' and makes your voice sound muddy and inarticulate.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Kind regards,


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  • Inga Feitsma #7241263902483

    Hello Samatha,

    I'm just following up on the link and email I posted on the forum on 2 September. 

    As you requested, here is a link to some samples for you to listen to: 

    I don't understand because all of these recordings ended up as commercially produced jobs on radio, corporate videos etc. Could it be because these files were originally mp3 files and I re-saved them as WAV files because that is your website requirement?

    The feedback I received for all the samples was: 
    Your recording sounds undesirably over-processed, which is impacting the quality of the deliverable. It may be due to EQing, or a noise gate, for example. It seems as if you are recording too close to the mic which has resulted in an undesired boost in low frequencies. This is called the 'proximity effect' and makes your voice sound muddy and inarticulate.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Kind regards,


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  • Samantha #376438863679

    Hi Igna, 

    Sorry for the late reply, only seeing this now.

    Thank you for supplying these audios. Fantastic performance in each delivery, and in all honesty the issues found are really quite minor. 

    For the over-processing remarks received, I believe where this would have come from is that there sounds like sibilance throughout your audio files. This sometimes happens due to using plug-ins too harshly, but can also happen if recording too close to the microphone as the 'ss' sounds can become more noticeable.  
    However, the sibilance is really not too distracting. If you are using a plug-in, try to dial it back slightly. 

    Another thing to mention, in the 'Explainer' audio when reading 'plan' at 0:02, and again at points 0:04 & 0:05 when reading 'part' there are loud plosives heard. There are also some plosives heard in the 'Hard Sell' audio file, which again suggests you were recording too close to your microphone. 

    Nevertheless, if you record further back, usually with two fists worth of space between you and your mic, and tilting your head slightly on an axis so no breaths hit directly into your mic, this should fix things. Alternatively, you could play around with repositioning your microphone too. Some voice actors prefer the mic above them, which also helps stop any plosives. 

    Overall, the issues found are not too problematic and with some slight changes, you shouldn't face any more rejections. 
    Thank you once again for supplying these audio files, I will be bringing them up in the QC weekly meeting this Friday so that the team can all properly align. 

    Kind regards,

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  • Inga Feitsma #7241263902483

    Hello Samantha,

    Thank you very much for your feedback, I really appreciate it. You've provided some very helpful suggestions. 

    Kind regards,


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