- Keep your rates competitive:
You could consider lowering your rates until you've improved your stats. Usually, most of our regular Bunny Pros have started with lower rates to make sure they can start building a good reputation within the system. - Keep your profile updated with high-quality samples.
We recommend you have at least 10 samples for every skill you are approved for. Each sample should be uploaded just once to the skill it fits best. - Bunny Studio's algorithm requires a lot of patience and fast response to start picking up, so at first, it's normal for it to be slow.
It's a matter of being on top of your email and/or the website and updating your profile consistently. Also, when you see a project, try to get to it as soon as you get the invitation. This will, for sure, improve your standing with our algorithm and send more projects your way!
Watch our tutorial video with tips and advice on how to land more project invites:
Do you have any other pieces of advice?
- You can read the in-depth info on how to get more project invitations and how to get started with us here: 4 Tips to Get Started. We're sure you'll find lots of insights that will help you make any necessary changes to start getting more invites.
- Also, we suggest you check the webinar we hosted with one of our most successful Pros, Katie Gaskin. She gave a lot of tips and explained how she got started! Check it out here: Katie Gaskin's Webinar.