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Text Alerts

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  • Dunia Piña #375903570740

    Hi Heidi


    Thanks for reaching out!

    At the moment our SMS alert system sends alerts only for Bookings and revisions requested on speedies and contests, but not for the main invitations. Could you share with me the article you mentioned to check it and see if we have to make any corrections?

    A great tip to accept projects faster is to also keep a tab open with your dashboard, since projects can appear there a couple of minutes before the invitation reaches your email, so that could give you a slight edge that could help you accept projects faster.


    Let me know if you have any other questions!


    Kind regards,


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  • Heidi Stewart #1291738504

    Hello Daniel,

    Thank you for your help! The conversation I referred to is here: It's in the first time that "Scooter Clarke" comments.

    I do keep that tab open and am sometimes sitting at my computer when a project comes in so I accept it within 2 seconds. Yet somehow, it seems like there's often another pro who accepted 2 seconds ahead of me. It didn't used to happen so often, but it's happened quite a bit in the last few weeks. I want to work through Bunny Studio, but the "2-second race" is getting frustrating...


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  • Dunia Piña #375903570740

    Hi Heidi,


    Thanks for the link!

    I should have mentioned on that thread the conditions that create an SMS message specifically for speedies and contests, which is when a revision is requested, apologies for the confusion.


    As you could see on that thread, another thing you could try is to experiment a bit with your rates, since invitation batches are created by a mix of stats+rates, lower rates will, in most cases, help Pros receive invitations on earlier batches. The exception is when a Pro has amazing stats. In a case like that, a Pro can keep a higher set of rates and still be invited on the first batches to projects.


    Let me know if you have any other questions!


    Kind regards,


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